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How can I cancel my order?
We offer free cancellation service within the first 24 hours from the time of placing the order, and the full refund will be credited to the original payment account.
If the order is requested for cancellation after 24 hours from the time of placing the order, a processing fee will be charged by our optical lab and lenses supplier. If your lenses are free, a 5.00 USD processing fee is needed. If you have upgraded lenses or coatings, then the lens total will be charged. The rest plus the paid shipping fee will be returned to the original payment account (if the order has not yet shipped).
*You will receive your refund within 3 business days if you pay with your PayPal balance. And the refunds to credit/debit cards usually take 10-14 days, depending on the card bank involved.
If the order has been packaged and shipped out already, we cannot cancel the order for you. Your sole remedy is to contact our customer service department for assistance after you receive the glasses.