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How to use progressive or bifocal glasses?
If you are trying new progressives or bifocals, you may have to learn how progressive and bifocal lenses work.
Bifocals have two fields of vision: the upper for distance and the lower for up close. There is a visible line across the middle that divides the two corrections.
Progressives have a gradual or progressive change in vision in different parts of the lens, so there's no visible line on the lenses.
Progressive lenses have three fields of vision and tend to be blurry on the sides. You see far away through the upper lens and up close through the lower. The intermediate-range is used to see your laptop or something in the range of 20 inches (50 cm) to 40 inches (100cm) away from your eyes.
1.When you walk, look straight ahead, not down at your feet. Also, work on pointing your nose in the direction you want to look, not just looking left or right with your eyes. (You cannot see clearly through the peripheral lenses of progressives.)
2.When you read, hold the items down and about 16 inches away from your eyes. Look through the bottom of your lenses. (the bottom is for reading)
3.Don't move your eyes or head while you read. Move the page or paper instead.
4.Set your computer screen just below eye level. You can adjust your desk or chair.
For bifocal wearers, you need to get used to the different strength of the lens. You may feel a 'jump image' when first wearing bifocals because of that.
For progressive wearers, all you need is to practice how to focus your vision through different parts of the lenses.
No matter bifocals or progressive lenses, once you get it, it will be second nature, and you'll wonder why you ever tried them in the first place. Most people never go back to two or three single vision glasses.
Besides the convenience of one glasses, you'll likely feel like you have recaptured your natural vision at long distance and reading.
You can also try bifocal/progressive sunglasses after you get used to them. It will give you a totally different feeling.